International Student Office

Located in Beytepe and Sıhhiye Campuses, Student Affairs Office (SAO) International Student Units carry out administrative (e.g. visa, and residence permit application) and academic operations (e.g. registration, Turkish and foreign language preparation, semester course registrations, leave of absence, and graduation) of international students applying to and enrolled in Associate and Undergraduate Programs at Hacettepe University.

International Student Unit aids, either directly or remotely, international students from all over the world who are studying or planning to study at our university. 650 students from 70 countries continue their education at associate and undergraduate level at our university. International student applications are submitted online in accordance with the application requirements, quotas, evaluation principles, and calendar announced on the website of SAO each year, and the results of the evaluation conducted by the Commission for International Student Admission are released with the decision of the University Administrative Board.

We have prepared a list of frequently asked questions for your convenience on the left-hand side of this website. If you cannot find answers to your queries, you can contact us by e-mail or phone, or you can visit our offices.

Our duties and responsibilities include:

  • Managing the application and admission process of international students at associate and undergraduate level,
  • Assisting international students in associate and undergraduate programs in all their academic procedures from registration till graduation,
  • Issuing the documents required by international students in associate and undergraduate programs,
  • Translating the documents issued by the Student Affairs Office into English,
  • Issuing, certifying and releasing the information and documents requested by national/international institutions and our students/alumni,
  • Handling registration procedures of incoming students within the scope of international exchange programs such as Erasmus, Mevlana and bilateral protocols, and sending their transcripts to home universities at the end of the semester.

Faculties and Vocational Schools served by the SAO in Beytepe Campus

Ankara State Conservatory
Faculty of Letters
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Fine Arts
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Communication
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Sport Sciences
Başkent Chamber of Industry Organized Industrial Zone Vocational School
Hacettepe Ankara Chamber of Industry 1st Organized Industrial Zone Vocational School

Faculties and Vocational Schools served by the SAO in Sıhhiye Campus

Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Faculty of Nursing
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Vocational School of Health Services
Vocational School of Social Services

Contact Us

Beytepe Office: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Öğrenci İşleri Daire Başkanlığı Rektörlük Binası Beytepe, 06800, Ankara
Sıhhiye Office: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Öğrenci İşleri Daire Başkanlığı Binası Sıhhiye, 06100 Ankara
E-mail: For Associate and Undergraduate Application admission:
For registered international students:
Phone numbers:         
Beytepe Office: +90 312 297 61 91, +90 312 297 65 70 /170 – 171
Sıhhiye Office: +90 312 305 21 41

For Beytepe Campus map please click.

For Sıhhiye Campus map please click.